In the Spotlight #10: Flood Lighting

In addition to landscape flood fixtures, industrial exterior lighting often uses shoe-box and curved-back housings. Industrial flood lighting, in addition to the bulbs used in home flood lighting applications use metal halide, low pressure, and high pressure sodium bulbs. These bulbs are longer lasting and feature better luminous efficacy than incandescent and halogen bulbs, but feature less desirable color temperatures which may not matter in industrial and commercial areas. The exception to this general rule is certain metal halide lamps, which feature wonderful light quality and variable color temperature.
BulbAmerica has everything you need for your exterior lighting needs. In addition to incandescent, halogen, CFL, metal halide light, and LED floods we also have an extensive catalog of MR16s, CFLs, stage lighting, medical lighting, and automotive lighting products. Be sure to check it all out! Leave a question or comment on our blog or Facebook or call us at 1-888-505-2111.