LEDs are often used in applications where color changing and strobing is required, as in stage lighting. In museum applications however, white LEDs are being used for their ultra-violet and heat free light. LED lighting was recently installed at Hamburg’s Museum of Art and Industry, a prominent museum in Germany that attracts approximately 250,000 visitors a year. LEDs were utilized in nearly every museum application from illuminating the ticket desk in the museum’s entrance to the LED bulbs that lit up the museum’s collection. The museum’s halls featured LED luminaires which provided a partial wash for hallways’ vaulted ceilings, highlighting the building’s 130 year old architecture while providing sufficient light for museum visitors to navigate the museum. Even the lighting used in the museum’s bookstore was LED, thus fulfilling the museum’s goal of making its lighting both efficient and highly functional.
The Hamburg Museum of Art and Industry provides a wonderful example of not only LED architectural lighting, but the exclusive use of white LEDs, proving that LEDs are not solely useful in color changing applications. BulbAmerica has a wide selection of architectural and stage and studio LEDs to give you the lighting you need, so check out what we have to offer. As usual, leave us a comment or question on our blog or our Facebook. Also don’t forget to give us a call at (888)505-2111 with any further inquiries you have.
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