Make Your Party Right With Colored Light!: A Look at Blacklights and Colored Light Bulbs
It’s not always so easy to think up inexpensive and attractive ways to decorate your home or business for a party. To add to your problem, if you are throwing one party it is likely that you will throw another, so if possible, you want choose something that is reusable. If you are pondering over some of these things, then perhaps blacklight and colored light bulbs would interest you. The focus of my article here will be general party lighting ideas that are inexpensive and reusable. Fluorescent blacklights come available with many different bases to fit various sockets. One particularly useful blacklight bulb for parties at your home or any smaller location is the mini-twist compact fluorescent with an E26 medium screwbase that will fit virtually any place where you can screw in a bulb. With blacklight mini-twists you can create a great blacklight lighting effect by simply using a table lamp or a sconce. Another less expensive option is incandescent blacklight bulbs. These bulbs come in A19 and T10 shapes and and are inexpensive lighting options for your party or event. If you are planning on reusing your blacklight bulbs or using them for a longer period of time, you may want to consider the CFL blacklight over the incandescent because of CFLs’ superior life hour rating.
For colored light bulbs, you have many options including CFLs, incandescent bulbs, and LEDs. If you are aiming for durability and the ability to use your colored bulbs more than once, LED light bulbs are for you. Osram offers a fantastic line of LED A15 shape, B10 shape, and G30 shape bulbs with a medium screw base that will fit into any screw-in fixture. These bulbs are available in every color of the rainbow and also feature a color changing option. Of course CFL and incandescent colored bulbs do a great job, however they cannot match Osram’s colored bulbs’ energy draw of 1w to 2w. Sunlite also offers a wide range of colored LED bulbs from JDR MR16s to PAR30 and PAR38 floods. Most LED products are extremely durable and will last anywhere from 25,000hrs to 100,000hrs. There are plenty color LED bulbs to choose from and other colored bulbs to choose from, so make sure to check them all out before you make a decision.
BulbAmerica has all of your blacklight and colored light bulb needs. We also realize that if you are planning for a party you will need more than one bulb, so we sell our blacklights and colored bulbs in packages to save you money and give you the light coverage you need. Check us out today!
By Anna Maria Piazza
11 August, 2010