China's Grand Canal Gets 6 Miles of Brilliant Light

At certain points of the canal, taller buildings peered over its banks providing lighting designers with a unique lighting opportunity. The designers decided to create ‘abstract billboards’ consisting of towering rectangular frames, the largest of which measured 98ft X 65 ft, made of cyan colored LED tubes. These abstract billboards were installed on the facades of these buildings, creating a wonderfully futuristic effect that contrasts well with the ancient history of Hangzhou.
Though there was much lighting installed on the banks and buildings on either side of the canal, the lighting designers also installed lights directly in the water. Custom poles comprised of six blue and six amber one watt LEDs were installed in clusters into the canal to highlight the natural contours of the water and allude to the city of canals, Venice. The outsides of the 16 bridges of the canal were bathed in white light, while their lanterns and other lights were outfitted with 20w CFLs for a soft, energy efficient light.
Clearly Hangzhou’s Grand Canal lighting represents how creative outdoor lighting can be. Check out the products we have to offer and unlock your lighting creativity today! As usual, leave a comment or question on our blog or Facebook or call us at 1-877-622-0897.