The George Washington Bridge Gets an LED Makeover

Recently the green revolution claimed another victory, this time at the George Washington Bridge, which spans the Hudson River connecting Manhattan to New Jersey. Until recently, the George Washington Bridge featured mercury vapor lamps along its necklace, the area of the bridge that secures the suspension cables to the top of the bridge. In place of the mercury vapor lamps were installed 156 LED modules; these LED modules are projected to last 15 years compared to the one year life span of the mercury vapor lamps. Furthermore, LEDs do not require any toxins like mercury to produce, making them that much more environmentally friendly.
The LEDs are projected to save the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey $50,000 annually, in addition to saving substantially on energy consumption. The new LEDs on the George Washington Bridge are a testament to the energy saving, amazing efficiency, and durability of LEDs. Furthermore, this example of LED lighting really demonstrates how wise an investment LEDs really are. BulbAmerica stocks a wide range of LED products for your home, outdoors, theatre, and other applications. Check them all out today! Feel free to leave a question or comment on this article, our Facebook, or call us at 1-877-620-1762 for any remaining questions you may have.