LEDs Proves a Viable Lighting Option for Industrial Applications
LED lighting technology is revolutionizing nearly all facets of lighting. There are some who believe LED technology to be overblown and not useful in some applications. One of these applications is in the industrial lighting arena where HIDs and halogens have long reigned. Some people do not believe LEDs can produce substantial diffuse light to adequately illuminate huge spaces like warehouses and that coverage in those areas would likely be spotty. Kompak, a Dutch industrial firm, has recently proved these naysayers wrong by outfitting their entire industrial plant, warehouse, and offices with LED fixtures exclusively. Kompak's warehouse alone spanned approximately 11,500ft and featured nearly 46ft tall ceilings. Their entire warehosue was thoroughly lit byLEDs in large fixtures and cleverly along the pre-existing sprinkler pipes in the ceiling.

Stay on the cutting edge with BulbAmerica’s wide selection of LED bulbs. LEDs are an inexhaustibly bright idea, so check out the LEDs we have to offer for nearly every light application conceivable, you won’t be disappointed!