BulbAmerica 10T3Q/CL 10 watt 12 volts G4 base Quartz Halogen Bulb
has a rating of 4.6 stars
based on 7 reviews.
BulbAmerica 10T3Q/CL 10 watt 12 volts G4 base Quartz Halogen Bulb

$599 $8.99
This BulbAmerica 10T3Q/CL 10 watt 12 volts G4 base Quartz Halogen Bulb has many different applications.
This bulb consumes 10 watts 12 volts has a rated life of 2000 hours.
It has a maximum overall length of 1.25 inches.
This bulb is most common for use in Residential Lamps, Desk lamps, Hanging Lights, microscope, medical, ophthalmic, microfilm, projectors, and effect lighting.
It is extremely small but highly effective.
G4 2-Pin | |
Halogen Bulbs | |
100 | |
3000K | |
0.375 | |
Transverse | |
Clear | |
140 | |
1.250 | |
2000 | |
T3 | |
12V | |
10W |
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