What is the difference between MFL/WFL/NSP?

MFL, WFL, and NSP refer to three types of light beam spread or the nature of the distribution light produced by a lamp. Deciding between the three types of beam spread will depend on the light spread you need.

The Beam Angle for a light bulb is the angle in degrees at which the light is distributed. Based on the Beam Angle, the lamps are divides into two main categories:
Spots and Floods

Spots refer to light bulbs that have narrow angles. They Spot bulb create a circle of light, also known as a hotspot, with a small diameter, which remains very bright over long distances. Spot bulbs are used in stores to highlight a special area or outdoors to illuminate an architectural feature.

Flood refers to light bulbs that have a wider angle. The flood bulbs illuminate a larger area at a shorter distance than Spot bulbs. Floods bulbs are ideal for general illumination in the home, office, or retail spaces.

Please see the beam angle classification below

Description Code Typcal MR16 Beam Angle Typical PAR Beam Angle
Very Narrow Spot VNSP <7 degrees <15 degrees
Narrow Spot NSP 5-15 degrees 15-30 degrees
Spot SP 16-22 degrees 30-60 degrees
Narrow Flood NFL 23-32 degrees 60-90 degrees
Flood FL 32-45 degrees 90-120 degrees
Wide Flood WFL 45-60 degrees 120-160 degrees
Very Wide Flood VWFL >60 degrees >160 degrees